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Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Greeting cards

Greeting card ( kartu ucapan) adalah sepucuk kertas (biasanya dihias dengan gambar) yang digunakan untuk memberi ucapan selamat, mendo’akan seseorang, dan lain-lain.
Beberapa bentuk greeting card adalah kartu ucapan selamat, kartu ucapan duka atau simpati, dan kartu ucapan lekas sembuh.

whenever you are designing your own greeting card or choosing from a template, keep these four elements of the greeting card in mind:

1. Front cover - this is the first thing your friends, family, or customers will see. Whatever message you are trying to convey, this is where you set it up. If you are sending a funny card then you would set the joke up on the front cover and deliver the punch line on the inside. If this is a sentimental card then you set the tone on the front cover and deliver a more intimate message on the inside.

2. Inside of the card - this is where you have a big decision to make: do you leave this blank and hand write a note, or do you have a generic message that everybody will see. Of course, you can always use both a handwritten note and the generic message. Keep in mind that most greeting cards put the message on the right page of the inside cover.

3. Back cover - this part is all business. If sending a message to friends or family, you may want to include your name, mailing address, or other form of contact information. If you're a business sending greeting cards to customers, take advantage of the back cover to pitch your logo and contact information. As another option, you can choose to leave this page blank.

4. Optional elements - some of these options include pop-ups, sound, or other embellishments, such as cut out windows or a loose piece of fine paper with an extra note. Pop-ups are great for giving your card a 3D look and feel and are easier to design than you may realize. Cards can come with sound, but this feature should be reserved for major holidays like birthdays or Christmas.


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